-साहित्य अकादेमी मैथिली मूल पुरस्कारक लेल भेल निर्लज्जताक बाद युवा पुरस्कारक लेल चाटुकारिता स्कूल शुरू
-तत्काल दूटा स्कूलक चर्चा १. साहित्य अकादेमीक फेलोक २.साहित्य अकादेमीक परामर्शी दलक एकटा सदस्यक ( ई पहिने अपन भाइक संग एकटा मैथिली पत्रिका चलबैत रहथि।)
-हास्यास्पद गप ई अछि जे एकटा पोथी जे दोसर स्कूलक (साहित्य अकादेमीक परामर्शी दलक एकटा सदस्यक) विद्यार्थीक अछि, फेरसँ ११ नवम्बरकेँ मिथिला विभूति सम्मानक अवसरपर (राजनैतिक संस्था विद्यापति सेवा संस्थान, दरभंगाक समारोह, जकर औपचारिक अध्यक्ष साहित्य अकादेमीक फेलो छथि ) साहित्य अकादेमीमे मैथिलीक परामर्शी (समन्वयक) श्री विद्यानाथ झा "विदित" द्वारा लोकार्पित भेल (एक बेर ऐपर लोकार्पण कार्यक्रम आ समीक्षा कार्यक्रम भऽ चुकल अछि!!)
- एकर स्पष्ट उद्देश्य अछि साहित्य अकादेमी युवा पुरस्कार पाएब
- साहित्य अकादेमी युवा पुरस्कारक घोषणाक बाद राता-राती ऐ तरहक लेखक उत्पन्न भऽ गेला जिनकर कियो नामो नै सुनने छलन्हि जे एक सप्ताहमे १०० पन्नाक अ-कविता लिखि कऽ छपबाइयो लेलन्हि!!
-साहित्य अकादेमीक फेलोक सेहो एकटा शिष्य छथि रेसमे
-जखन ओ फेलो परामर्शी दलक समन्वयक रहथि तखन साहित्य अकादेमीयेसँ छपबओने रहथि अपन चेलाक पोथी
-मुदा दोसर स्कूलक विद्यार्थीक प्रायोजित समीक्षा समारोहक अध्यक्षता कऽ ओ अपन चेलाक मोनमे शंका उत्पन्न कऽ देने छथि।
मूल पुरस्कारक निर्लज्जताक बादो परामर्शी कऽ रहल छथि वएह कृत्य
- साहित्य अकादमी अपन प्रेस विज्ञप्तिमे निकाललक जे मैथिलीक पुरस्कारक घोषणा बादमे कएल जाएत, मुदा विदित जी सभकेँ डरा रहल छथिन्ह जे मामिला अध्यक्षक हाथमे चलि गेल अछि आ भऽ सकैए जे ऐबेर ककरो पुरस्कार नै भेटए।
-लगातार तेसर बर्ख ई काण्ड भेल अछि, दू बेरसँ विदित जीक हाथमे मामिला आबि जाइ छलन्हि, से हुनका लागलन्हि जे ई काण्ड अनन्त बेर चलत, से मानसिक आ शारीरिक रूपसँ अपाहिज सभकेँ ओ जूरी बनेबाक षडयंत्र फेरसँ केलन्हि आ ओइमे शामिल भेल हुनकर नवो टा परामर्शी, जकरा ओ असाइनमेन्टक रूपमे माउसक टुकड़ा फेक देने छला (देखू विनीत उत्पलक आर.टी.आइ. आवेदन जे एक मासक सर्वश्रेष्ठ समाद बनल छल।)
-मुदा विदेहक हस्तक्षेपक बाद मामिला पलटि गेल।
-जखन समदिया विदितकेँ पुछलकन्हि जे जूरी मे अमर/विश्वनाथ आ मायानन्द मिश्र शामिल छथि तँ ओ कहलन्हि जे साहित्य अकादेमी ई सूचना गुप्त राखैए!!
-भारतक यू.पी.एस.सी.क प्रश्न-पत्र एक बेर लीक भेल छल आ ओकर सुनवाइमे वकील के.के.वेणुगोपाल यू.पी.एस.सी.क सूचना देबासँ मना केलापर कहने रहथि "एवरीथिन्ग इन यू.पी.एस.सी. इज सेक्रेट एक्सेप्ट द क्वेश्चन पेपर्स- यू.पी.एस.सी.मे सभ किछु गुप्त अछि सिवा प्रश्न पत्रक"!! साहित्य अकादेमीसँ सेहो सूचनाक अधिकारक अन्तर्गत जूरीक नाम मांगल जा सकैए जे मानसिक आ शारीरिक अक्षमताक कारण दू-दू बेर बजेलोपर ७ आ १९ दिसम्बरकेँ पूर्व-निर्धारित खडयंत्रक अनुरूप कोलकाता बैसकीमे नै जा कऽ लगातार तेसर बेर षडयंत्रकेँ लगभग सफलीभूत करैबला छला (पछिला दू-बेर ई षडयंत्र कने दोसर ढङसँ सफलीभूत भेल छल)।
-१९६६, १९७२ आ १९७४ मे तत्कालीन परामर्शी रमानाथ झा आ जयकान्त मिश्रक कार्यकालमे ई काण्ड पहिनहियो भेल अछि, जखन कोनो रचनाकेँ योग्य नै मानल गेल छल , जखन कि ढेर रास रचना एहेन छल जे योग्ये नै छल वरन मैथिली साहित्यक लेजेण्ड बनि गेल, मुदा जकरा योग्यताक बादो कहियो ई साहित्य अकादेमी पुरस्कार नै भेटलै।
-विदित कहलन्हि जे २१ दिसम्बरकेँ साहित्य अकादेमीक कार्यकारिणी समिति दिल्ली मे बैसकी संपन्न केलक आ साहित्य अकादमीक अध्यक्षकेँ ऐ विषयमे निर्णय लेबाक अधिकार देलक।
-विदित ल.ना.मिथिला वि.वि. क स्नातकोत्तर मैथिली विभाग मे पीएच-डी क मौखिक साक्षात्कारमे आएल रहथि
-ओ (विदित) अपनाकेँ सर्वथा दोषमुक्त घोषित केलन्हि आ सभटा दोष जूरीकेँ देलन्हि!!!
आब वएह खेला युवा पुरस्कार लेल शुरू
-जइ पोथीक विदित ११ नवम्बरकेँ लोकार्पण केलन्हि ओ पहिनहियो परामर्शीक ओही गुरु सदस्य द्वारा लोकार्पित आ छद्म समीक्षित दूटा भिन्न कार्यक्रम द्वारा भेल अछि।
-ओइ पोथी लेल परामर्शी आ समन्वयक द्वारा जेना कैंपेनिंग कएल जा रहल अछि से ओकरा ऐ पुरस्कार लेल अयोग्य सिद्ध करैत अछि (साहित्य अकादेमी निअमावलीक अनुसार)।
-एहेन साप्ताहिक युवा कवि (जे एक सप्ताह मे सए पन्नाक कविता लिखि लोकार्पित आ समीक्षित भऽ जाइ छथि) जँ चुनाइत रहलाह तँ ओ सभ बादमे वर्तमान परामर्शी दलसँ बेशी क्रूर बनि जेताह।
साहित्य अकादेमीक समस्त रिकोमेन्डेशन आ फाइनल आबंटन ऐ लिंक पर : http://esamaad.blogspot.in/2011/11/vinit-utpals-rti-application-dated.html
२६ अगस्त २०१२ अपडेट:
रामदेव झाक बेटा विजयदेव झा जइ नम्बरसँ फोनपर उमेश मण्डलकेँ धमकी देलक से लोकेशन ट्रेस कऽ लेल गेल अछि
-रामदेव झाक बेटा विजयदेव झा जइ नम्बरसँ फोनपर धमकी देलक से लोकेशन ट्रेस कऽ लेल गेल अछि
-फोन नम्बर +91-9470369195- location-Bihar- signalling GSM- longitude 26.11346972320883 latitude 85.27224719999998
-BIHAR & JHARKHAND- Operator : BSNL- Signaling :CDMA
-रामदेव झाक बेटा विजयदेव झा द्वारा फोन नम्बर +९१९४७०३६९१९५ सँ उमेश मण्डलकेँ धमकी
-उमेश मण्डलकेँ देख लेबाक आ उठा लेबाक धमकी देलक विजयदेव झा
-हालेमे साहित्य अकादेमी बाल साहित्य पुरस्कारमे प्रौढ़ साहित्यपर पुरस्कार ओकर पितयौत भाइ मुरलीधर झा केँ देल गेल, जकर घोर विरोध भऽ रहल अछि
-विजयदेव झा गाड़ि-गलौज सेहो केलक
-विजयदेव झा सुभाष चन्द्र यादव, प्रियंका झा, प्रीति ठाकुर, उदय नारायण सिंह नचिकेता, उमेश मण्डल, सभकेँ गरियेलक
-ओ ईहो कहलक जे प्रीति ठाकुरकेँ बाल साहित्य पुरस्कार नै देल गेल, तेँ सभ विरोध कऽ रहल अछि
-विजयदेव झा कहलक जे प्रीति ठाकुरकेँ ऐ जन्ममे ओ सभ साहित्य अकादेमी पुरस्कार नै प्राप्त करऽ देतै
-तत्काल दूटा स्कूलक चर्चा १. साहित्य अकादेमीक फेलोक २.साहित्य अकादेमीक परामर्शी दलक एकटा सदस्यक ( ई पहिने अपन भाइक संग एकटा मैथिली पत्रिका चलबैत रहथि।)
-हास्यास्पद गप ई अछि जे एकटा पोथी जे दोसर स्कूलक (साहित्य अकादेमीक परामर्शी दलक एकटा सदस्यक) विद्यार्थीक अछि, फेरसँ ११ नवम्बरकेँ मिथिला विभूति सम्मानक अवसरपर (राजनैतिक संस्था विद्यापति सेवा संस्थान, दरभंगाक समारोह, जकर औपचारिक अध्यक्ष साहित्य अकादेमीक फेलो छथि ) साहित्य अकादेमीमे मैथिलीक परामर्शी (समन्वयक) श्री विद्यानाथ झा "विदित" द्वारा लोकार्पित भेल (एक बेर ऐपर लोकार्पण कार्यक्रम आ समीक्षा कार्यक्रम भऽ चुकल अछि!!)
- एकर स्पष्ट उद्देश्य अछि साहित्य अकादेमी युवा पुरस्कार पाएब
- साहित्य अकादेमी युवा पुरस्कारक घोषणाक बाद राता-राती ऐ तरहक लेखक उत्पन्न भऽ गेला जिनकर कियो नामो नै सुनने छलन्हि जे एक सप्ताहमे १०० पन्नाक अ-कविता लिखि कऽ छपबाइयो लेलन्हि!!
-साहित्य अकादेमीक फेलोक सेहो एकटा शिष्य छथि रेसमे
-जखन ओ फेलो परामर्शी दलक समन्वयक रहथि तखन साहित्य अकादेमीयेसँ छपबओने रहथि अपन चेलाक पोथी
-मुदा दोसर स्कूलक विद्यार्थीक प्रायोजित समीक्षा समारोहक अध्यक्षता कऽ ओ अपन चेलाक मोनमे शंका उत्पन्न कऽ देने छथि।
मूल पुरस्कारक निर्लज्जताक बादो परामर्शी कऽ रहल छथि वएह कृत्य
- साहित्य अकादमी अपन प्रेस विज्ञप्तिमे निकाललक जे मैथिलीक पुरस्कारक घोषणा बादमे कएल जाएत, मुदा विदित जी सभकेँ डरा रहल छथिन्ह जे मामिला अध्यक्षक हाथमे चलि गेल अछि आ भऽ सकैए जे ऐबेर ककरो पुरस्कार नै भेटए।
-लगातार तेसर बर्ख ई काण्ड भेल अछि, दू बेरसँ विदित जीक हाथमे मामिला आबि जाइ छलन्हि, से हुनका लागलन्हि जे ई काण्ड अनन्त बेर चलत, से मानसिक आ शारीरिक रूपसँ अपाहिज सभकेँ ओ जूरी बनेबाक षडयंत्र फेरसँ केलन्हि आ ओइमे शामिल भेल हुनकर नवो टा परामर्शी, जकरा ओ असाइनमेन्टक रूपमे माउसक टुकड़ा फेक देने छला (देखू विनीत उत्पलक आर.टी.आइ. आवेदन जे एक मासक सर्वश्रेष्ठ समाद बनल छल।)
-मुदा विदेहक हस्तक्षेपक बाद मामिला पलटि गेल।
-जखन समदिया विदितकेँ पुछलकन्हि जे जूरी मे अमर/विश्वनाथ आ मायानन्द मिश्र शामिल छथि तँ ओ कहलन्हि जे साहित्य अकादेमी ई सूचना गुप्त राखैए!!
-भारतक यू.पी.एस.सी.क प्रश्न-पत्र एक बेर लीक भेल छल आ ओकर सुनवाइमे वकील के.के.वेणुगोपाल यू.पी.एस.सी.क सूचना देबासँ मना केलापर कहने रहथि "एवरीथिन्ग इन यू.पी.एस.सी. इज सेक्रेट एक्सेप्ट द क्वेश्चन पेपर्स- यू.पी.एस.सी.मे सभ किछु गुप्त अछि सिवा प्रश्न पत्रक"!! साहित्य अकादेमीसँ सेहो सूचनाक अधिकारक अन्तर्गत जूरीक नाम मांगल जा सकैए जे मानसिक आ शारीरिक अक्षमताक कारण दू-दू बेर बजेलोपर ७ आ १९ दिसम्बरकेँ पूर्व-निर्धारित खडयंत्रक अनुरूप कोलकाता बैसकीमे नै जा कऽ लगातार तेसर बेर षडयंत्रकेँ लगभग सफलीभूत करैबला छला (पछिला दू-बेर ई षडयंत्र कने दोसर ढङसँ सफलीभूत भेल छल)।
-१९६६, १९७२ आ १९७४ मे तत्कालीन परामर्शी रमानाथ झा आ जयकान्त मिश्रक कार्यकालमे ई काण्ड पहिनहियो भेल अछि, जखन कोनो रचनाकेँ योग्य नै मानल गेल छल , जखन कि ढेर रास रचना एहेन छल जे योग्ये नै छल वरन मैथिली साहित्यक लेजेण्ड बनि गेल, मुदा जकरा योग्यताक बादो कहियो ई साहित्य अकादेमी पुरस्कार नै भेटलै।
-विदित कहलन्हि जे २१ दिसम्बरकेँ साहित्य अकादेमीक कार्यकारिणी समिति दिल्ली मे बैसकी संपन्न केलक आ साहित्य अकादमीक अध्यक्षकेँ ऐ विषयमे निर्णय लेबाक अधिकार देलक।
-विदित ल.ना.मिथिला वि.वि. क स्नातकोत्तर मैथिली विभाग मे पीएच-डी क मौखिक साक्षात्कारमे आएल रहथि
-ओ (विदित) अपनाकेँ सर्वथा दोषमुक्त घोषित केलन्हि आ सभटा दोष जूरीकेँ देलन्हि!!!
आब वएह खेला युवा पुरस्कार लेल शुरू
-जइ पोथीक विदित ११ नवम्बरकेँ लोकार्पण केलन्हि ओ पहिनहियो परामर्शीक ओही गुरु सदस्य द्वारा लोकार्पित आ छद्म समीक्षित दूटा भिन्न कार्यक्रम द्वारा भेल अछि।
-ओइ पोथी लेल परामर्शी आ समन्वयक द्वारा जेना कैंपेनिंग कएल जा रहल अछि से ओकरा ऐ पुरस्कार लेल अयोग्य सिद्ध करैत अछि (साहित्य अकादेमी निअमावलीक अनुसार)।
-एहेन साप्ताहिक युवा कवि (जे एक सप्ताह मे सए पन्नाक कविता लिखि लोकार्पित आ समीक्षित भऽ जाइ छथि) जँ चुनाइत रहलाह तँ ओ सभ बादमे वर्तमान परामर्शी दलसँ बेशी क्रूर बनि जेताह।
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साहित्य अकादेमीक रिकोमेन्डेशनक आधार (?वंशवाद) आ निरस्तीकरणक चिट्ठी! घरक खेती!! |
२६ अगस्त २०१२ अपडेट:
रामदेव झाक बेटा विजयदेव झा जइ नम्बरसँ फोनपर उमेश मण्डलकेँ धमकी देलक से लोकेशन ट्रेस कऽ लेल गेल अछि
-रामदेव झाक बेटा विजयदेव झा जइ नम्बरसँ फोनपर धमकी देलक से लोकेशन ट्रेस कऽ लेल गेल अछि
-फोन नम्बर +91-9470369195- location-Bihar- signalling GSM- longitude 26.11346972320883 latitude 85.27224719999998
-BIHAR & JHARKHAND- Operator : BSNL- Signaling :CDMA
-रामदेव झाक बेटा विजयदेव झा द्वारा फोन नम्बर +९१९४७०३६९१९५ सँ उमेश मण्डलकेँ धमकी
-उमेश मण्डलकेँ देख लेबाक आ उठा लेबाक धमकी देलक विजयदेव झा
-हालेमे साहित्य अकादेमी बाल साहित्य पुरस्कारमे प्रौढ़ साहित्यपर पुरस्कार ओकर पितयौत भाइ मुरलीधर झा केँ देल गेल, जकर घोर विरोध भऽ रहल अछि
-विजयदेव झा गाड़ि-गलौज सेहो केलक
-विजयदेव झा सुभाष चन्द्र यादव, प्रियंका झा, प्रीति ठाकुर, उदय नारायण सिंह नचिकेता, उमेश मण्डल, सभकेँ गरियेलक
-ओ ईहो कहलक जे प्रीति ठाकुरकेँ बाल साहित्य पुरस्कार नै देल गेल, तेँ सभ विरोध कऽ रहल अछि
-विजयदेव झा कहलक जे प्रीति ठाकुरकेँ ऐ जन्ममे ओ सभ साहित्य अकादेमी पुरस्कार नै प्राप्त करऽ देतै
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रामदेव झाक बेटा आ विद्यानाथ झा विदितक जमाएक भाइ विजयदेव झा |
Vijay Deo Jha
ReplyDeleteTo whom it may concern--Please get your fact aright. Vidyapati Seva Sansthan is not a political outfit. Even if you are writing under frustration you should not have allowed mind and mouth to ramble so freely. Secondly,you have called juries physically and mentally infirm...gentleman/lady may I need to say that you should be at least not be so foul mouth. You may have raised some valid points but then you deserve condemnation and lashing for you tongue lashing. You are negotiating in street language...hope you are not a street urchin...
my reply.."Vidyapati Sewa Sansthan"- I verified it again, its a political outfit from the core (see ram bharos kapari bhramar's article in which he has referred that this so-called vidyapati parv organisation is being run by poticicians (Baijnath Chaudharu Baiju"2.So all your ramblings "Vijay Deo Jha
ReplyDeleteTo whom it may concern--Please get your fact aright. Vidyapati Seva Sansthan is not a political outfit. Even if you are writing under frustration you should not have allowed mind and mouth to ramble so freely. Secondly,you have called juries physically and mentally infirm...gentleman/lady may I need to say that you should be at least not be so foul mouth. You may have raised some valid points but then you deserve condemnation and lashing for you tongue lashing. You are negotiating in street language...hope you are not a street urchin" are like a street-rowdy..you got Sahitya Akademi assignment ..what is your contribution for maithili till the date when you were offered this assignment Mr. Vijaydeo Jha!!!see the reply of RTI by Sahitya Akademi at the link http://esamaad.blogspot.com/2011/11/vinit-utpals-rti-application-dated.html 3.So Vidyapati Sewa Sansthan is a Casteist Politicians Organisation , which participate in election of Maithili Paramarshi Sanyojak (Convener, Maithili Advisory Committee, Sahitya Akademi), so what is their choice is here When they choose Vidit as convener!! a big joke!!4.And Which type of frustration you are referring to Mr. Vijay Deo Jha, that a street rowdy like you and others gets assignment from Sahitya Akademi, is this fact would create frustration..pity on persons like you..5.The juries are infirm ,bodily and physically, under indian constitution they are not allowed even to vote, how they were chosen as jury Mr Vijaydeo Jha?? And it is not for the first time, but it is third time in a row!!!6.I have raised some valid points--which valid points Mr. Vijaydeo Jha??? I have raised so many points, regarding assignments, regarding prizes.. why some points that suit you become valid and that does not suit you become Invalid Mr Jha???7.Which Language should one use Mr. Jha for those casteist politicians/ infirms Mr. Vijaydeo Jha???
Vijay Deo Jha
ReplyDeleteRespected Priyanka jha Madam as I know Mr Vaiju he was a communist...I do not know his political affiliation right now. Just because he opposed Mr Mandal he became a castesit what a logic...kindly give some space to us to feel pity on you. Thirdly Seva sansthan is involved in the nomination of convenor..kindly note there is a difference between election and nomination. Would seek a little information from you---whether or not other organisations involved in nomination process of Convener? You have deliberately dropped Chetna Samiti that has been associated with nomination of Convener. If that true then why Seva Sansthan only. Mam I beg to differ I will drop a little piece of advise for consumption kindly file an RIT at Sahitya Akademi to know whether a personed named as Vijaydeo Jha alias STREET ROWDY (please specifically mention this) has been given any assignment? Mrs Jha I do not pretend to be a writer but the person like you who is clamouring for a tag of poet, writer and all bluffs must have been judicious enough in selecting words. You have lost your quota of common sense and decency too. While commenting on the post I merely wished to say that petty politics have ruined larger interest of Maithili...that's all. Referring to your question about my contribution in Maithili let me make it clear that your are not the conscience and interest keeper of Maithili. Please be very clear that you are not the presiding deity of Maithili and I don't need to seek any certificate from you about my contribution. Contribution does end with writing a book mam. I can understand your pain You must have been in race for prize and denied. I hope my reply will jangle your nerves. Take time take rest
2 seconds ago ·
Mr Vaiju was a communist, and right now he is anti- communist..
ReplyDeleteVijay Deo Jha Will give you few examples of others too..
My running Reply
2.Mr Vaiju opposed him on caste basis, in public, and in a function which was not organised by him.. that does not make him casteist is your decision, so what makes one casteist Mr Vijaydeo Jha?
My running Reply
first i am replying you word by word..
what is difference between nomination and election Mr Jha, and how many organisations take part in these can be accessed throught Sahitya Akademi through an RTI, If Chetna Samiti is in list it should also be opposed..
Regarding your query "whether a personed named as Vijaydeo Jha alias STREET ROWDY (please specifically mention this) has been given any assignment?" Mr. Vijaydeo Jha, an RTI has already been filed and your name is there at serial no.16, PARSA (Punjabi Novel)by Gurdayal Singh, Tr.Vijay Deo Jha, please look at the link http://esamaad.blogspot.com/2011/11/vinit-utpals-rti-application-dated.html which i have already given, the information has been supplied by Sahitya Akademi.
your mindless allegation that I am "clamouring for a tag of poet, writer", I have to say that I had been running the Ist Maithili News portal "Samadiya" alongwith Mrs Poonam Mandal, Since 2004, I have not written any poem/ or anything..If you had seen it Mr. Jha, If not then why this mindless allegation.
Vijay Deo Jha
ReplyDeletePlease consult dictionary to understand the difference between nomination and election. At least you accepted that you was not aware of the fact that there are other organisations too involved in nomination process. Respected Mam there are around five such literary organisations--please note literary organisations--involved in the process and it is true in the case of other languages listed in the Sahitya Akademi also. You referred Sansthan as political organisation just because ram Bharosh ji referred this then what are you doing you chucked your logical faculty in the bin. why to believe your words as gospel I can differentiate between music and noise things are loud and clear. And no need to reply me. Basic question is that have you mortgaged you civic sense in calling some as infirm physically and mentally? Isn't a case of foul mouth? Have you forgotten their contributions. You appear to be a dare devil drawing unnecessary parallel. Dr Mayanad Mishra was one of the juries I believe and shocked to know that he has become infirm. Did you forget his contribution? Kindly keep a dictionary close to you and consult it whenever you writing something in anger. You may have liberty to call me STREET ROWDY because I can just laugh at it but when you use such words about these doyens of Maithili literature you are risking your own prestige
My Running Reply..
ReplyDeletei am not complete yet , wait for a while..
Vijay Deo Jha Good to know that you are running a Maithili portal. That means you belong to journalist faculty. I am too a working journalist associated with a prestigious newspaper and magazine. The bad thing about a journalist is that when he becomes a party. Just go through your portal and assess the language and content of the news...does it indicate that you are reporting. Sans objectivity you are objectionable..highly
My running Reply..
Now your Second mindless allegation "You must have been in race for prize and denied."..so my reply to your first mindless allegation is not enough for you?.. So it is proved that I am not poet or writer, and Sahitya Akademi does not award a Maithili Journalist..is not it a fact? and as per your own admission "Contribution does end with writing a book mam." so this line goes against you and disproves that I had been " in race for prize and denied."..
Now your innocence "I am not aware of the fact that I have been given an assignment by the Sahitya Akademi." Your name is on the above link and the whole world is seeing it, now you file an RTI how they have given an assignment to you , that the whole world except you know...But I am not complete yet..wait a while..
Vijay Deo Jha Cool. your reply does not make any sense it is as unclear as muddy water..
My running Reply..
Vijay Deo Jha
Great I am not aware of the fact that I have been given an assignment by the Sahitya Akademi. Please let me know what kind of assignment is all about. And Mrs Jha when there are people like to do an RIT then there is no need for me to do all these. Kindly post the copy of that RIT on the facebook. I am well paid having some other priorities too. Fixing deal for assignment is the favourite pass time for for people like you. You have mastered the art of fabrication and false. what a pity that you spoted my name in assignment list...
Now the selection of words portion .."you should not have allowed mind and mouth to ramble so freely", "Even if you are writing under frustration", "foul mouth", "tongue lashing", "street language", "street urchin"- All these are not by me but by you..but you find "street rowdy"- indecent (see chiranjeevi starrer film by this name)..
see the link http://esamaad.blogspot.com/2011/11/vinit-utpals-rti-application-dated.html
and spot your name yourself at serial no.16
george fernandez did great work to his party but the post of party president was given to somebody else due to old age, so why it should not be applicable to Mayanand Mishra and others.. "but Mr Vidit" has neither confirmed nor denied that he was one of the jury, how you are so confident..
Now come to Bhramar ji, He was not referring to election process of Sahitya Akademi, he was referring to politicians running the so-called literary organisations, now you have conveniently left this fact..this is objectivity on your part?..
And which petty politics is ruining Maithili? Is the current episode does not deserves a severe condemnation? To do that is petty politics or to oppose that in strickest term is petty politics? Is the former ruining Maithili or the latter?..
Now your suggestion "Please consult dictionary to understand the difference between nomination and election." you , again ,conveniently used half of the line ..is this objectivity? Read full line again "what is difference between nomination and election Mr Jha, and how many organisations take part in these can be accessed throught Sahitya Akademi through an RTI, If Chetna Samiti is in list it should also be opposed.." Now read Bhramar, he was not referring to election/ nomination of Sahitya Akademi convenership, now you mixed half parts to derive an objective assessment, and said that I did this.. good jumble work..the print media trains one for this!!!..
Vijay Deo Jha You are too jumbled you are raising too many issues at the same time. Streamline yourself my advise.
ReplyDeleteMy reply...
I raised too many issues, because you raised these and I had to reply each and every confusion that you had..
Vijay Deo Jha Just refer your style sheets for third party for a comment....they will too call it derogatory you can express the things in a decent and polite language. You are literary over literary discourse..
My running Reply..
the reply to this confusion of yours already made..and compare mine and yours..and ask a third party..
Ashish Anchinhar हम विजय जीसँ आग्रह करबैन्ह जँ हुनका एसाइन्मेट नै भेटल छन्हि तँ ओ साहित्य आकादेमी पर मानहानिकेँ दावा करथि। कारण इ लिस्ट साहित्य आकादेमी द्वारा देल गेल अछि जाहिमे स्पष्ट रूपसँ विजय देव झाक नाम छै। आ सेहो सील-मुहर दुरुस्त। ..
Vijay Deo Jha I don't have any confusion Mrs Jha. And I am not confused over what I am writing. The selection of your words were uncouth and ugly. it is for you to decide whether you want to remain in that league of foul mouth brigade..
My running reply..
you began with "you should not have allowed mind and mouth to ramble so freely", "Even if you are writing under frustration", "foul mouth", "tongue lashing", "street language", "street urchin" and ended with "foul mouth brigade"..in between also there are so many adjectives that you used.. perhaps you are ascribing your frustation unto me..
Vijay Deo Jha AShish ji where the question of defamation arise if Akademi took initiative to give me assignment. I have made the thing clear...
Ashish Anchinhar बैजूजी बला प्रसंग आ अन्य प्रसंगकेँ छोड़ल जाए। से प्रियंका जी आ विजय जी दूनू गोटेसँ आग्रह। बहस एहि मुद्दा पर करथि जे जँ विजय जीकेँ एसाइन्मेन्ट नै भेटलन्हि तँ हुनक नाम RTI लिस्टमे केना आएल।..
Vijay Deo Jha As you have already described me as STREET ROWDY so I can not beg decency but madam you are running a portal what about you,,
My running reply..
before street rowdy you began with "you should not have allowed mind and mouth to ramble so freely", "Even if you are writing under frustration", "foul mouth", "tongue lashing", "street language", "street urchin" was used by you and compare this with street rowdy a chiranjeevi starrer..
Vijay Deo Jha Ashish ji Priyanka ji can file another RIT she should. I have not received any communication from the Akademi in this regard only know that there is some issues over right and royalty. may be after 20 years the matter get clear but not till this time...
So it is another lackadaisical attitude of Maithili Convener of Sahitya Akademi.. If it is so it should also be condemned, here Vijay Deo Ji is a victim..
My running reply..
Ashish Anchinhar विजय जीकेँ बातमे दम भए सकैत अछि। कारण जखन हुनका एहि संबंधमे पता नै छन्हि। तखन इ भए सकैए जे विजय जीक निकट संबंधी सभ विजयजीक नामकेँ उपयोग कए अपने एसाइन्मेन्टकेँ उपयोग कए लेने हेताह। आ मलाइ चाटि गेल हेताह।...
Vijay Deo Jha
ReplyDeletedoes your writing deserve finer adjectives Priyanka ji. Will you ever call your grand father old and infirm mentally and physically. Are we Maithilis so ungracious that we are treating our icons with such adjectives only because you are young. Life is not an equal opportunity employer. Literature must often be an even more discriminating concern, for the press of dubious claimants at its gates is frenetic. This, mind you, is the meritocracy of the Word, a reservation from which Mandal remains providentially banished. Rights of Admission Deserved. Wannabe entrants should steel themselves to the fickle tyrants of this undemocratic realm — editor and agent, publisher and promoter, reader and critic. And you haven’t even exhausted that list yet — there’s the jury too, midwife of prize and prejudice...
Ashish Anchinhar विजय जी अहाँ बड़ा जोर दए कए दोसर बेर लेबए लेल कहि रहल छी। की कारण पाइ-ताइ दए कए नाम मेटबा लेलहुँ की ?....
Vijay Deo Jha पाइ-ताइ दए कए नाम मेटबा लेलहुँ की ?.what does it mean..
Ashish Anchinhar विजय जी अहाँ बड़ा जोर दए कए दोसर बेर RTI लेबए लेल कहि रहल छी। की कारण पाइ-ताइ दए कए नाम मेटबा लेलहुँ की ?
Priyanka Jha "old and infirm mentally and physically" because it was done not first time but third time in a row.. if the old and infirm were given kingship, what happened to the Sultanates of Middle ages.. now the Mandal question..I ask you..if biologically talent is hereditary..if equal opportunity given to unequal groups is equality?..
Ashish Anchinhar मतलब इ जे पहिल बेर मे जे लिस्ट हमरा सभकेँ अकादेमी देलक अछि ताहि पर आब अहाँ संदेह कए रहल छी। आ दोसर बेर लेल कहि रहल छी तकर की कारण ?..
Vijay Deo Jha Ashish ji getting an assignment is not a crime I hope you are not in doubt. Secondly, you have a tool named RTI so you can use this tool to know whether Akademi has made any communication with me in this regard. and where comes the question to bribe to get my name deleted. Do nt you think it is childish
Vijay Deo Jha I have made things clear it states the situation of Indian literature..
ReplyDeleteAshish Anchinhar बस...... भाइ एसाइन्मेन्ट लेनाइ कोनो अपराध नै छै मुदा तकरा मानू ने.........अहाँक नाम अछि लिस्टमे आ तखनसँ खाली बकथोथी कए रहल छी।
My running reply..
Priyanka Jha So it make Mr. Vijay Deo Jha a victim, that from 2009 the Maithili Convener has not bothered to even inform him..Do you still think Mr Vijay Deo Jha that my reporting was petty politics and not news.. If so I beg to differ..I thought it was news of the decade..
Vijay Deo Jha Ashish ji you are a kind of blabber who does not read but blab.
Vijay Deo Jha My objection was your selection of words. I do belong to mindset where elders are revered..
My running reply..
They should have informed you..And if they have not informed you then think of others, the like in license-permit raaj, these assignments might have lost..for petty consideration of the Maithili Convener and his nine member brigade..
The news of the decade deserve less heavy selection of words for those who call themselves litterateurs? If the crime is committed by a elder the only concession that courts assign is medical treatment..
Vijay Deo Jha
ReplyDeleteAshish ji sorry to say you are a typical Maithil expert in nonsense. The matter of Parsa its publication rights are sub judice pending in the court so there is no question of assignment under my name. what do expect from me that own responsibility of the Sahitya Akademi. Do I am Sahitya Akademi. Why do nt you ask full details of communication of Sahitya Akademi with me if there is any. Do this thing first and then poke in between.
Yes Priyanka ji you are young and revolutionary you can go to the court. The bare fact is that some profiteering from sahitya Akademi and some not. The matter is all about who got award and not which book. That all. Group, caste leaning matters. You are fighting for this case and those who would have been backing you themselves must be piloting that project...
My running reply..
I agree with Vjay Deo Jha, it is solely the responsibility of Maithili Convener and his brigade..they behave like persons dealing in license-permit quota raaj ..that happened in the realm of business, but our convener and his brigade made literature a petty profiteering-business.. and the disease lies in the manner the selection process is conducted by the political organisations doing business in the field of literature..
Ashish Anchinhar विजय जी टिपिकल मैथिल ओकरा कहल जाइत छै जे सबूत रहलाक अपराध स्वीकार नै करै छै । आ बहस केर दोसर भाग मे उलझि जाइत छैक।..
My running reply ..
"The matter is all about who got award and not which book","Group, caste leaning matters", "You are fighting for this case and those who would have been backing you themselves must be piloting that project." All these are your words not mine.. again the same old arguments, what you do, you do on the basis of your conscience, and what others do (that part that does not suit you) they are doing on the backing of others..is this whole discussion was for this ? I pity you Mr Vijay Deo jha,..
Mr Vijay Deo Jha, If the Sahitya Akademi had done unjustice to you, it should also be condemned , I will flash your version as a separate news.. but that ends the matter? If you are on right side, only the poor selection of words gives you reason to go to the wrong side? If one speaks very softly and do all the illegal things, is that appropriate?
Vijay Deo Jha Do you expect Bhimnath Jha the Salaaee Rinch to do anything good for Maithili. This kind of parallel prize ceremony is funny. Fools.
ReplyDeleteMy Reply..
Then What is right Mr. Vijaydeo Jha? We will do that..as per your direction..and what is this excellent selection of words by you.. "Fools"???
When Sri Chandra Nath Mishra Amar goes to fecilitate Bhimnath Jha for "Ras Ras Kulwant" then it is Okay?
ReplyDeleteVijay Deo Jha Must do it Priyanka ji I will like this fact to be flashed must do it..No I don't appreciate even those who speak softly but does wrong but least expected on your part to be very impolite and harsh. See literature is a purely academic kind of thing where garbage is strictly barred. I least expect it from your side...even I was very impolite but that due to your writing style. I don't know as to who were in the race for the prize and award. Juries are not recommended by the Convener and any Tom Dick and Harry. the name of the jury is decided by the Akademi through a process. Juries are meant to vet the book and judge its merit...please note judging the merit of a book on the literary scale is the realm of a rookie. How can you blame juries for not agreeing on a single book..is this you to decide. And what's wrong if non of the book is selected for the award. Has sky fallen. Has not it happened in other languages. It is very easy to sit on the fence and fire a salvo. It is a pure fight to control the affair of Maithili in Akademi nothing else. I know the likes who are fighting for the same. And I have not left any reason for you to feel pity on me. You can nicely place words into sentence and indulge in scholastic claptrap but this is seer fight for what I have mentioned. My arguments remain the same and Maithili is not an exception. Please note it is a not a fight among the school of thoughts...Your whole argument suggests that Seva Sansthan should be debarred from nomination process. Please find a single organisation without having any political leaning...........................................................................My Running Reply..............................................................................Basically its a ideological fight, you are the voice of status quoist forces hell bent upon making Maithili a Maithil Brahmin Language, and I am from the School of Videha Maithili Literature Movement..twain shan't meet..your school damn care whether there is any readership of Maithili or not, they care for their pseudo supremacy over an imaginary world without any readership, Maithili dies or live they damn care..and who care for it you say that they are frustrated...let it be..let this Maithili Literature movement live..let Maithili live..we ignore and challenge your pseudo occupation ..over an institution run on taxpayers fund..we damn care for your school of thought..
ReplyDeleteVijay Deo Jha
ReplyDeletehahaa what kind of ideological fight you are talking about? As far as my little knowledge of literature and literary movement is concerned the debate never halted on award issue. Though you have been smart enough not to mention this but then talk differently. You gave your interest a name Videha Maithili literature and labeled me as status quoits. I may have a very poor understanding of Maithil Brahmin and Maithili but I am sure that Maithili has been equal to all Maithili literature is flooded with literature folklore contributed by those whom you call underdogs. You impress with intellectual snobbery. Best thing is to be a critic because you are free to speak whatever you like. Mam it is all about award, freebies of Akademi I know that intellectuals do fight like a dog for shares they are of smart pedigree. Many a time awards were not given in English just because books were not found worthwhile. It may be in the case of Maithili. Please note award is different than awarding Indira Awas or BPL card……and please don’t give it a name called school this is a literary pretention..........................................................................MY RUNNING REPLY...freebies have been looted by the status quoists who have no readers, and really it is freebies, it is not true that Sahitya Akademy is being run by taxpayers fund..and you call those 80 years + freebie (in your words) looters -intellectuals? the group of Maithil Brahmin rowdies who under the leadership of BAIJU!!! opposes and tries to humiliate the greatest novelist and story writer that Maithili Language has produced viz. Sh. Jagdish Prasad Mandal in 20th century on Casteist basis..DO WHAT YOU PEOPLE WANT TO DO..WE WILL DO FOR THE NEXT 30 YEARS ... AND AGAIN.. SAHITYA AKADEMI IS RUN ON TAXPAYER's FUNDS and it is not JAGIR of you CASTEIST INTELLECTUALS..please also read Navendu kumar Jha report in last issue of Videha, and Sukant Som's Report in Mithila Darshan current issue..We are swelling by numbers..but you people...
and do not worry mr. vijaydeo jha, bonfire would be arranged for those wrongly selected books....
ReplyDeleteVijay Deo Jha जनबरी फरबरी के महीने में कुछ ख़ास है जो मैथिली के भाग्य से मेल नहीं खाता है इसी महीने में पुरस्कार की घोषणा होती है और इसी महीने से कुछ लोगों की व्यथा पीड़ा की कथा भी शुरू हो जाती है. विदेह पुरस्कार निश्चय ही हमलोगों के लिए अच्छी बात है लेकिन आप ने जो समानांतर साहित्य अकादमी सम्मान शब्द जोड़ा है उससे यही लगता है की यह पुरस्कार न मिलने का प्रतिशोध है बस मैं गलत हूँ तो बताएं? विदेह पुरस्कार इसलिए नहीं दिया गया की पुस्तक पठनीय है या कथित साहित्यकार प्रतिभाशाली हैं इसलिए दिया गया की इन्हें साहित्य अकादमी पुरस्कार नहीं मिला तो आप ने गुड गोबर कर दिया. आपको नहीं मिला या आपके किसी ग्रुप को नहीं मिला तो पीड़ा शुरू हो गयी यह अवार्ड की प्रसव पीड़ा है. आप मान रही हैं की आप का बिरोध मात्र पुरस्कार के लिए है. क्यूँ यह वाद और स्कूल का खेल पुरस्कार के समय ही क्यूँ शुरू होता है और फिर सब शांत कोई जबाब है. आप अकादमी से बाहर सोच सकती हैं. कोई हिसाब है आपके पास की मैथिली के कितने पाठक हैं इसकी किताबें बिकती हैं या नहीं. स्कूल में मैथिली की पढाई होती है या नहीं. मैं ने तो कभी भी नहीं सुना ऐसा आप में से किसी ने यह आवाज़ उठाई हो. दलित साहित्य के नाम पर और नारी साहित्य के नाम पर सालों भर अकादमी का भत्ता खाने वाले को यह अधिकार नहीं है. दरभंगा वाले को पुरस्कार मिल गया पूर्णिया वाले को क्यं नहीं. सहरसा को मिल गया मधुबनी वाले को क्यूँ नहीं. सोईत को मिल गया ब्रह्मण को क्यूँ नहीं. इस बार कायथ को मिलना चाहिए तो यादव को. मज़ाक बना कर रख दिया है आपलोगों ने पुरस्कार का.
ReplyDeleteVijay Deo Jha आपका दर्द भी वही हैं और आप नाहक स्कूल कॉलेज और वाद को घुसेर रहीं हैं. मेरी संख्या बढ़ रही है मैं आन्दोलन खड़ा कर रही हूँ ये सब मैं खूब समझता हूँ. आप मौकापरस्त बागी हैं और अहले दर्जे के बेईमान भी. आपकी समझदारी जात से ऊपर नहीं उठी है और नहीं उठेगी. एक बार पुरस्कार मिल जाए माँ कसम फिर सब फिर सब फलसफा बंद. और यह बैजू कौन हैं? ये कौन से साहित्यकार हैं? इन्हें इतना महत्व क्यूँ. वही जिसे ढेर सारे कॉलेज खोल रखें हैं. लेकिन उसका योगदान आपलोगों से अधिक है मैथिली के लिए उसे आपसे अधिक किया है और यह बात आप सारे मिल कर भी गाल बजाएं तो बात को कोई झुटला नहीं सकता है. और यह राउडी शब्द ब्राह्मण राउडी पता है इसका अर्थ? विद्वान् और समीक्षक बनती हैं और यह सउर नहीं की क्या लिखें. आपके परिवार में कितने ब्राह्मण राउडी हैं और थे. यह फैशन है मैडम इस से पता चलता है की आप प्रगतिशील हैं. ये सब पुरस्कार का थोथा है. मैंने नवेदु जी को भी पढ़ा हैं और क्या लिखा है उससे वाकिफ हूँ. साहित्य अकादमी है पहले पांच हज़ार देती थी अब एक लाख दे रही है कल पांच लाख देगी बहुत पैसा है बस गोटी बिठाना है. इस से आगे कुछ होता है क्या प्रियंका झाजी. कभी आपकी कलम इस बात पर चली की या आपने कभी भी अफसोश किया या आपने कभी इसबात को जानने की कोशिश की की ऐसे कई मैथिली के लेखक हैं जो गुमनाम हैं या फिर बदहाली की जिन्दगी जी रहे हैं. उद्धरण देता हूँ समस्तीपुर के एक सज्जन रमाकांत राय रमा मैथिली में लिखते हैं और निस्वार्थ काम करते हैं. समस्तीपुर में साहित्य अकादमी के किसी कायर्क्रम के आयोजन के सिलसिले में वह समस्तीपुर से दरभंगा आ रहे थे हासदे का शिकार हो गए और एक पैर गवाना पड़ा. हॉस्पिटल में भी वह इसी बात के लिए चिंतित थे की कार्यक्रम कैसे होगा. पता है आपको? किसी ने जा कर उनका हाल जाना? आपने पूछा? वह राय कहाते हैं बताएं उनकी जात क्या है ब्राह्मण हैं, यादव हैं, भूमिहार हैं, कुर्मी हैं. बड़ी जात का विश्लेषण करती हैं ना आप बहुत न्याय और समानता की बात करती हैं आप ? मेरी कमीज़ तुम्हारी कमीज़ से उजली है. आप अच्छा लिखती हैं लिखती रहिये वाद करिए विवाद करिए अपनी गोटी फिट कीजिये
Vijay Deo Jha @Priyanka jha ji--There is something wrong with you. You have uploaded my post on samadiya web site while referred Shankardev Jha. Why do you jump the gun often?
ReplyDeletePriyanka Jha click ctrl F and type "Shankardev Jha" you won't find any, there is some problem with your eyesight perhaps, in this discussion this name has come for the last time, if there is any name in post i will delete it, but for that i will have to find this name..
Priyanka Jha earlier also where your name was in the assignment list you could not find it at the putset but later on you found it.. so what is there you are not able to see..and what is not there you are able to see...so some serious eyesight problem with you mr vijay deo jha
Priyanka Jha now next point ..Mr Vijay Deo Jha , No discussion in Hindi Please, as the Maithil Brahmins are using Maithili only for prize and money and you are from that school no surprise,you and your child would speak only hindi that i know, but for extraneous considerations your school would continue using maithili..but not anymore.. you may discuss in Maithili or English ...no hindi please...
Priyanka Jha Now for your knowledge sake only the function was held recently, Videha Samman was announced well before even the announcement of Bal Sahitya puraskar.. Lt. Col. Mayanath Jha was given Videha Samman for Bal Sahitya and after that your convener and other 9 member advisors came to know that here is a person who has also written Bal Sahitya, and after the announcement the convener and other members asked for his book..and Sahitya akademi bal sahitya puraskaar was ultimately given to him,, the book which got sahitya akademi for children literature this year was not even considered last year at the first place ..is there any answer available for this? So your premise that who did not get the prize got together is wrong at the first place..you are not able to write in Maithili and are using HINDI and you got assignment for translating in Maithili, by the Convener and his brigade whether it materialised or not for (whatever reason may be, you seem to have whole tight grip on convener & co.) , but Mr Rama got this assignment later on, after many others like you got it..So do not make Mr Rama as a blackmailing tool, your school is of frauds and cheats .
Priyanka Jha Now manner of Selection for Videha Samman..as you have no knowledge regarding all these , therefore, i am repeating it, although the whole world knows it..the list was proposed in each category and around 5000 persons saw it, and around 500 discussed it, many books were placed online with proper permission, criticism were sought and after that the list was put on videha site for voting and it was done so that one isp votes only for once...clear...
Priyanka Jha Now the parallel award..question..this was also discussed many people opined that sahitya akademi maithili department gained such a bad name (through its own misdeeds) that this name should be excluded from Videha Samman nomenclature..We were opposing Sahitya Akademi, and it is not a fiefdom of a group of frauds and cheats..it is run on taxpayers fund..so it was decided by the editorial board that like alternative budget, alternative economic survey, parallel theatre..this parallel word should be there ..
ReplyDeletePriyanka Jha now Mr Vijaydeo Jha your query "दरभंगा वाले को पुरस्कार मिल गया पूर्णिया वाले को क्यं नहीं. सहरसा को मिल गया मधुबनी वाले को क्यूँ नहीं. सोईत को मिल गया ब्रह्मण को क्यूँ नहीं. इस बार कायथ को मिलना चाहिए तो यादव को. मज़ाक बना कर रख दिया है आपलोगों ने पुरस्कार का." this applies to your school of thought , No comments and you have given reason for this "साहित्य अकादमी है पहले पांच हज़ार देती थी अब एक लाख दे रही है कल पांच लाख देगी बहुत पैसा है बस गोटी बिठाना है." and this very aptly describes the mindset of your school..you have given good reason but perhaps you have no idea of inflation (Rs. 5000 in 1965>Rs 1 lac in year 2012)..but anyway good description of your school..
Priyanka Jha Rama got assignment after many of your schoolmates got it, fine..then for your information..Rama is associated with Videha..is it the reason that your school decided him to award assignment after all and sundry got it..Another information for you..videha..and only videha has been able to bring out authors from oblivion (due to petty casteist thought of your school - you HERO BAIJU JI--who has done many things as per you..people will laugh at you Mr Vijay deo), Ramesh Narayan (Patharak Nao)mr binod bihari verma (kamla nadik..stories), pandit Ramji Chaudhary, Sh Ramlochan Sharan (who started publishing Maithili in Tirhuta script) and a list of authors top quality authors like Rajdeo Mandal, Bechan Thakur, Jagdish Prasad Mandal, Umesh Mandal..Umesh Paswan , Durganand Mandal..all these would have been sidelined by the casteists had videha not been there...
Priyanka Jha You people are from a different school do as you wish,,,the movement would become stronger..your diatribe..i pity you
Priyanka Jha who cares for your school..but remember, sahitya akademi is not a fief of your casteist school..it is run by taxpayers fund..
Vijay Deo Jha Are you imposing your ideas and whim upon me. The maithil Brahmins in rajasthan use Rajasthani. Whatsoever language I feel comfortable I am feel to converse. Are you a British Brahmin or a Bostan Brahmin. what kind. I doubt you. you are writing under pseudo name and identity. And as far as my name in the assignment list is concerned kindly contact Sahitya Akademi whether I have made any communication in this regard whether I have signed any agreement or accepted anything in token. Stop alleging. And I am too aware about those who are crying about Bal sahitya Award Mrs Priyanka. Should I name. The aura that you have created will be exposed. And dont be smart Mrs Priyanka I have saved HTML of the facebook of one Umesh mandal should i forwards you. Nonsense you are playing a hoax game with ulterior motive. Have enough points to know about the connection of some people.
ReplyDeleteVijay Deo Jha what is this parallel Sahitya Akademi award? any idea madam
ReplyDeletePriyanka Jha Now the parallel award..question..this was also discussed many people opined that sahitya akademi maithili department gained such a bad name (through its own misdeeds) that this name should be excluded from Videha Samman nomenclature..We were opposing Sahitya Akademi, and it is not a fiefdom of a group of frauds and cheats..it is run on taxpayers fund..so it was decided by the editorial board that like alternative budget, alternative economic survey, parallel theatre..this parallel word should be there ..
ReplyDeleteVijay Deo Jha yes yes indeed. do it and all these will be bundled out once you or your men get the award of Sahitya Akademi
ReplyDeletePriyanka Jha now Mr Vijaydeo Jha your query "दरभंगा वाले को पुरस्कार मिल गया पूर्णिया वाले को क्यं नहीं. सहरसा को मिल गया मधुबनी वाले को क्यूँ नहीं. सोईत को मिल गया ब्रह्मण को क्यूँ नहीं. इस बार कायथ को मिलना चाहिए तो यादव को. मज़ाक बना कर रख दिया है आपलोगों ने पुरस्कार का." this applies to your school of thought , No comments and you have given reason for this "साहित्य अकादमी है पहले पांच हज़ार देती थी अब एक लाख दे रही है कल पांच लाख देगी बहुत पैसा है बस गोटी बिठाना है." and this very aptly describes the mindset of your school..you have given good reason but perhaps you have no idea of inflation (Rs. 5000 in 1965>Rs 1 lac in year 2012)..but anyway good description of your school..
ReplyDeleteVijay Deo Jha agreed hermit and saints above prize and awards. Plz make an announcement that none of students of your school will accept any award from sahitya akademi no benefit in any form. DECLARE IT PLEASE THE ENTIRE WORLD IS WAITING FOR YOUR ANNOUNCEMENT. Try to fool others. You have answer to none of my queries
ReplyDeletePriyanka Jha Rama got assignment after many of your schoolmates got it, fine..then for your information..Rama is associated with Videha..is it the reason that your school decided him to award assignment after all and sundry got it..Another information for you..videha..and only videha has been able to bring out authors from oblivion (due to petty casteist thought of your school - you HERO BAIJU JI--who has done many things as per you..people will laugh at you Mr Vijay deo), Ramesh Narayan (Patharak Nao)mr binod bihari verma (kamla nadik..stories), pandit Ramji Chaudhary, Sh Ramlochan Sharan (who started publishing Maithili in Tirhuta script) and a list of authors top quality authors like Rajdeo Mandal, Bechan Thakur, Jagdish Prasad Mandal, Umesh Mandal..Umesh Paswan , Durganand Mandal..all these would have been sidelined by the casteists had videha not been there...
ReplyDeleteVijay Deo Jha please make an announcement please do it fast please people are waiting for you
ReplyDeletePriyanka Jha who cares for your school..but remember, sahitya akademi is not a fief of your casteist school..it is run by taxpayers fund
ReplyDeleteVijay Deo Jha Please announce it fast make a sacrifice. do it get your name registered in the list of revolutionary. Please do it don't wait
ReplyDeleteRama got assignment after many of your schoolmates got it, fine..then for your information..Rama is associated with Videha..is it the reason that your school decided him to award assignment after all and sundry got it..Another information for you..videha..and only videha has been able to bring out authors from oblivion (due to petty casteist thought of your school - you ----------There is Vindeswar Mandal too madam. have you forgotten him. There is only one mandal that matters--gajdish Mandal. Plz don't drag respected Gajdish Mandal ji in your petty politics.
ReplyDeleteVijay Deo Jha Kindly send me your mail id I will send you a specimen of my sharp eyesight....the HTML of the facebook of Umesh Mandal where he has wrongly put up the conversation against some others name. Will you?
Priyanka Jha i announce that i wont receive this award, now i have serious doubt that you are fake because many of your information are based on the conveners information,..second i have received your identity..you are brother of Mr Shankardeo Jha, whose name did not appear any where and relative of the convener..you have no knowledge of Maithili literature and all those corrections that i made is proof that your fake identity is exposed, why you are so possessive of convener, because he is your relative? On whose behest you are doing all these in a fake identity..who are you..
14 minutes ago ·
Priyanka Jha your isp address suggests that you are not the person who is writing it
ReplyDeleteVijay Deo Jha ISP ka matlab
Priyanka Jha Mr Vijay Deo, See the list by Bechan Thaku, you will find Bindeshwar Mandal...
Vijay Deo Jha ab yaad aya aapko
Priyanka Jha so again i doubt that you are a fake..i am with this id since 2004, in maithil and mithila blog i am since 2008..but who are you who have no knowledge of bindeshwar mandal..but referring him
Priyanka Jha you do not know ISP then what is html..i pity you..you are fake..and very poorly educated
Vijay Deo Jha just type my name in Google your doubt will be cleared
Vijay Deo Jha I asked about ISP to give you a shock that Gagendra Thakur ji has been expert in detecting the IP address. Now stop playing persona dear sir. Just visit my profile you will know about my education dear respected sir. be very clear that you too have been lobbying for the award for your wife let me stop calling you Mrs Priyanka ji. Sir once you have detected the IP of Pankaj Parasar is'nt it sir. Do you remember it sir
Priyanka Jha first umesh mandal, now gagendra thakur..you fake..and who is lobbying for whose award..you people are from a school whose first priority is award and whose last priority is award..videha has detected many fakes..including parashar...and Bal Sahitya Samman by videha was given to Lt. Co. Mayanath Jha..and ultimately Sahitya akademi succumed to it ..do you remember..you did not..because you have no knowledge and the words are of others you are a pawn..I pity you Mr Fake..See My posts since 2004 ..
ReplyDeleteVijay Deo Jha
ReplyDeletehahaha that means my suspicion is true. If I am fake then how come you reported me for having grabbed assignment of Sahitya Akademi. If there is a person named vijay Deo Jha (street rowdy as you call me) whose name you widely circulated and alleged and I have a mail id and identity. I need not take certificate and a prasasti patr from Videsh to get my identity established. But in your case there is a unique similarity among Umeshji, gajendra ji and Mrs Priyanka (if she exists indeed). Always speak truth since in that case you don't need to remember what did you say in the past. Sir
Priyanka Jha because somebody else has eaten the cream..as you are interested in graabbing the assignment in maithili and speaking in hindi
Priyanka Jha Atuleshwar Jha says- sahitya akadmik maithili pratinidhi maithilik bikas sa besi patan dis la ja rahal chhathi.
Priyanka Jha
now ask your patron who is atuleshwar jha...and then write and the say you are not ghost who gets assighment and tells he did not..who asks to file RTI (what is RIT?)then when it is available on net then the ghost asks convener (who is his relative) then he says something to him then he remembers that he got assignment before rama got it..then he brings name of shankardeo jha, gagendra thakur, umesh mandal..parashar...so who is this person who know no maithili but gets assignment (proxy candidature), it can only be a ghost..
Priyanka Jha by the i had been on facebook for so long but i have not seen you earlier commenting on my posts..but suddenly how you came to save your relatives..when you joined facebook.
Vijay Deo Jha
Gajendra bhaeji pranam aa charan spars. I am your younger and my conscience does not permit me lock into a debate with my elder once after your identity is known. Going to the bed please recall two days of heated communication and try to find out two biggest mistake you committed that gave a me lead to find the identity of Mrs. Priyanka. it is none other than you. You will notice as to how did I spotted you. There are several case studies past and present. With your blessings I am doing fine in my profession. This is the blessings of elders like you that I got some common sense to sniff the rot. Once I have come to know about the person who is posting all these under the name of Priyanka Jha it is difficult for me to answer you with same brickbat. Regards
Priyanka Jha from when you are in blackmailing business..looting assignment in ghost's name and who translates it in maithili for you..i am in editorial board of videha..had you seen..but why you would see it..in la das's book your sister's painting was used..is not it...lal das's picture removed is not it
Priyanka Jha so what you people are doing you think priyanka jha must be the same type like your members of family..is not it?
Priyanka Jha Kavita Kumari or whatever was her name..you remember..or still on phone confirming it and concocting answer?
Vijay Deo Jha
Again I am telling you respected Gajendra sir. Once your identity is clear I feel shy in arguning with you. well I am MA from patna Univeristy in English, studied from CIEFL, Hyderabad, have a literary background sounder than you. Do I need somebody else to translate or to do that kind of thing. Yes You are writing under the name of priyanka Jha. You are a ghost campaigner. Please come forward please do it. do nt be Ardhanariswar. have the courage to face the truth one who is lobbying for his wife for award. Just make an announcement Mr taxpayer that you or any of your family member or one associated with chit fund campaign will not accept anything from Akademi. You have a portal make this announcement Sir. Otherwise stop playing luka chhipi.
Vijay Deo Jha Yes I remeber kavita Kumari my sister a painter and singer any doubt. yes i remember all dear Sir. And i am not like you "You a male who play female." Are'nt you canvassing for your wife for bal sahitya award. make an announcement dear sir that you and your family members or ilk will not accept award. make it and don't fuzz the issue. Under the name of Priyanka you are fooling the internet community.
ReplyDeletePriyanka Jha You are MA in ENGLISH, but I pity very cheap education, standard of that university must have fallen drastically..Your identity ghost..What you people had been doing, is everyone to see , taking assignment in the name of wife, sister, mother and thinking that the whole world is doing it
Priyanka Jha All clear Madam Vijaydeo Jha..got phonic answer..and from when..and how many..you will remember many thing dear Shikhandiji
Priyanka Jha your father took award by translating from urdu, he know alif-bay-say..read article of Subhash Chandra Yadav in Antika.. since when you are on internet mr..Madam Vijaydeo Jha..fooling whom
Vijay Deo Jha Sir, please take chill pill take sleeping pill you badly need it. There is something chemical locha in your mind. Got exposed and now you have become angry. Sir, I wanted to stop the debate immediately once your identity became clear to me and I felt sorry for what i had written. But unfortunately आप बूढ़े हैं बुज़ुर्ग नहीं. Do you think that you deserve to get an audience.
Vijay Deo Jha Know this Suvash yadav and your company yet another cheater in your group. Do my father need a certificate from you Mr Thakaur. How audacious you dare to compare yourself with him. You got few of your pamphlets published and became an author. Poor man
Priyanka Jha Madam VijayDeo Jhathe award politics that your members of family male female all..are in please do not compare it with others..once your family stands exposed you will get suspicious that it is Gaurinath.no no it is Priyanka jha..no no it is gagendra thakur..and in the end your family would find that they are alone..the whole world laughing at them..
Priyanka Jha Madam Vijaydeo Jha...look at this link..http://sites.google.com/a/videha.com/videha-pothi
Priyanka Jha and look at this link http://www.videha.co.in/ full list of editorial board
Vijay Deo Jha Mr Gajendra thakur sir Mr Gajendra thakur sir Mr Gajendra thakur sir Mr Gajendra thakur sir Mr Gajendra thakur sir Mr Gajendra thakur sir Mr Gajendra thakur sir Mr Gajendra thakur sir Mr Gajendra thakur sir Mr Gajendra thakur sir Mr Gajendra thakur sir aka Priyanka Jha aka Priyanka Jha aka Priyanka Jha aka Priyanka Jha aka Priyanka Jha aka Priyanka Jha aka Priyanka Jha
Vijay Deo Jha no need to see the list of ghost and ghaslet
Priyanka Jha and tell me your father knows alif-bay say--you are announcing that your father would return the prize as he took it wrongly..as he has not translated anything from urdu as he does not know even alphabet of urdu..alif-bay-say...
ReplyDeletePriyanka Jha do it quick..phone get permission and announce..fast..Mr Ramdev jha announces that he would return translation prize as he knows not even the alphabet of urdu
Vijay Deo Jha Yes yes please Mirza Assadullah Khan Gualib. My father will like to join your language class if your father too join it.
Priyanka Jha do it fast..quick..the whole world is watching for the revolutionary proclamation..
Vijay Deo Jha pahla apna decleration kar len prabhu
Vijay Deo Jha Gajendra babu announce kijiye kee aapkee patni sahitya akademi award nahi lengi.
Priyanka Jha again hindi..maithili limited to assignment (proxy) and your brother will be the actual translator
Vijay Deo Jha Declare if you have guts
Vijay Deo Jha You have lost your sense after being exposed
Priyanka Jha quick..phone get permission and announce..fast..Mr Ramdev jha announces that he would return translation prize as he knows not even the alphabet of urdu..
Priyanka Jha and tell him to learn urdu and then translate and then claim prize..first phone get permission and announce..fast..Mr Ramdev jha announces that he would return translation prize as he knows not even the alphabet of urdu
Priyanka Jha i think you have lost your conscience..alone..alone you would be alone..your family would be alone...
Vijay Deo Jha Priyanka jee your photo does not suggest you being so smart village girl.
Priyanka Jha tell me your father knows alif-bay say--you are announcing that your father would return the prize as he took it wrongly..as he has not translated anything from urdu as he does not know even alphabet of urdu..alif-bay-say...
Priyanka Jha look at yours, your fathers, your brothers..your sisters..perhaps they are smarter..?..and tellyour father to learn urdu and then translate and then claim prize..first phone get permission and announce..fast..Mr Ramdev jha announces that he would return translation prize as he knows not even the alphabet of urdu..
Ashish Chaudhary Atuleshwar Jik Gap sa Sahmat Chii
Ashish Anchinhar अतुलेश्वर जीक गपसँ सहमत छी।
ReplyDeleteविजयदेवजी, श्री रामदेव झा जीकेँ दस पन्ना उर्दू लिखैत, पढ़ैत रेकॉर्डिंग कऽ यू ट्यूबपर धऽ दियौन्ह..आ नै तँ स्वीकार कऽ पुरस्कार आपस करैले कहियन्हु।
ReplyDeleteSatya Narayan Jha Writes..
ReplyDeleteमैथिलीक साहित्य अकादमी पुरस्कारक दुर्दशा:-----
“अपनों की राजनीति से ही नुकसान हुआ मैथिली का |जूरी के तीनों सदस्यों के रवैये के कारण अब तकनही हुई मैथिली के लिए साहित्य अकादमी पुरुस्कार की घोषणा “हिन्दुस्तानक प्रथम पृष्ठ मे ई समाचार देखि कोनो आश्चर्य नहि भेल |आश्चर्य भेल प्रतिनिधिक नाम पइढ़ क’|मैथिलीक मूर्धन्य विद्वान सभ, जिनका अकादमी सं अपना पुरस्कार भेटल छनि मुदा दोसर मे टांग लगा देलखिन |संयोजकक ई कहब जे तीन तीन बेर बैठक मे आमंत्रित कएल गेलनि मुदा ई तीनू एको बैठक मे कियो नहि अयलाह |हमरा हिसाबे संयोजक कतबो सफाइ देथु मुदा हुनको असफले बुझल जेतनि |कहल त’ यैह जेतैक जे हुनका संयोजकता मे मैथिलीक एहन हाल भेलैक |मैथिलीक वर्तमान प्रतिनिधि छथि ,सुनाम धन्य श्री चंद्र नाथ मिश्र ,अमर (आयु -९० बरख ,),श्री मायानंद मिश्र (आयु-८० बरख करीब),एबं श्री अमरेश पाठक (आयु –८०बरख करीब )|आब हिनका सभक आयु कतौ मीटिंग सिटिंग करय बाला नहि छनि |तै हमरा हिसाबे ई सभ नहि गेलखिन तै मे हिनका सभक कोन दोष ?ई बयस काज करय बाला नहि छैक |ई त’ हुनकर गलती छनि, जे हिनका नियुक्त केलखिन |लोभ ,मोहक त’ संसारे छैक, तै, नहि त’ ,ई तीनू आदमी क’ चाहैत छलनि जे प्रतिनिधिक प्रस्ताब लौटा दैतथिन |समाचारक अनुसार पांचटा पोथीक चुनाव पुरस्कार लेल चयनित भेल रहैक |मुदा ई तीनू गोटा कोनोटा पर एकमत नहि छलाह |एहना पारिस्थित मे संयोजकक दायित्व बढैत छैक |
ओना जखन तीनू बैसबे नहि केलाह तखन एकमतक बात रुचिकर नहि बुझाइत छैक |पुस्तकक चयन मे पाठकक मत सेहो लेबाक चाही ताहि लेल चयनित पुस्तकक घोषणा पहिनहि हेबाक चाही आ ओहि पुस्तक सभ पर लोक अपन मत देथु |एखन त’ श्री विद्या नाथ झा विदित ,संयोजक, पूरा निराश नहि छथि कियैक त’ जूरीक सदस्यक मीटिंग बजेबाक लेल अकादमीक अध्यक्ष क’ अधिकृत कएल गेलनि अछि |ओना आशा नहि छैक मुदा संयोजक कहैत छथि त’ आशा कएल जा सकैत छैक |
Atuleshwar Jha writes
ReplyDeleteसाहित्य अकादमी किछु लोकक संपति भ गेल अछि . जेकर ई प्रमाण छी. आगु यदि सर्तक नहि भेलहुँ तँ ई लोकनि आर कि-कि करताह , से देखैत जाउ.
Chandramani Jha Uparyukt tinoo gote sahityakar sa paigh Maithili bhashak senanee aa shubhchintak chhathi.Je kichhu kartah Maithilik hit me kartah se ta aasha karite hoeb.
ReplyDeleteRupesh Teoth Maithili lel aab e sab kichhu ne kartah. Je sab Maithili ke gachharne chhathin bhai-bhatijawad me o sab chhorthu ta maithili kane sans letih. Maithili aa Mithila ker durdasa par dosar hasaiye aa Maithil Thunkaiye.
ReplyDeletechandramaniji, aha ki likh rahal chi
ReplyDeleteHope, Priyanka Jha ji Umesh Mandal would have conveyed you about the mail I had sent him along with Ganjendra ji. Now the buck stop at you. My father is very eager to take lesson in Urdu from you. Pray to God that we don't meet each other ever in life that I am saying for the sake of your good health. Very warm regard. Vijay Jha
ReplyDeleteVijayDeo Jha alias devilsadvocate alias Vijay Jha, really you are advocating for a devil, first tell your father to return the prize, as he undeservedly galloped the prize, as you accept that he know no urdu, you failed to put his video reading writing urdu on you tube. After he returns his prize i will certainly arrange for a good tutor for your father, tell him to show his eagerness only after he returns his translation award. Read this link again http://esamaad.blogspot.com/2011/11/vinit-utpals-rti-application-dated.html Why your name was recommended and on what merit? Is it that the deserving was vetoed by not getting recommendation as your name was there for that purpose only!! Your father did not teach you how to behave, its not your fault, pray to God that the almighty give him and you some sense, I read Shardendu choudhary's article about you people, He is right.You people are hopeless.
ReplyDeleteHave you read the letter properly Mr Liar before casting aspersion on me. The letter clearly states that I was never given any assignment then where comes the question of scrapping it on the ground of Vanshvad? There is a limit of everything even for ass-holes like you. It seems that the except Gajendra Thakur Umesh Mandal and dirty company none can write...only they are writers. Dear gentlemen you will be no where if I start similar campaign against you. Don't mess with me take care. Yes there is a polite reminder for Priyanka and likes that they are too begging lots who are wagging their tail for getting Sahitya Akademi freebies. What a shit that Mr Thakur is crying for award for his wife. Publish it if you have guts otherwise go down to gutter.
ReplyDeleteविजयदेव झा, शंकरदेव झा अपन बाप रामदेव झाकेँ साहित्यकार बनबै लेल अपस्याँ अछि आ ललित कुमार झा आ ऋषि कुमार झा अपन बाप मलंगियाकेँ। विजयदेव झा, शंकरदेव झाक ब्लैकमेलिंग केर धन्धा आब नै चलतै। एकर फैमिलीपर पूरा मिथिलामे लोक हँसि रहल छै।
ReplyDeleteएखने हमर फेसबुक मैसेजमे रामदेव झाक मूर्ख बेटा विजयदेव झाक मैसेज आएल अछि जे हम बिना काँट-छाँटकेँ दए रहल छी। ऐ मैसेजसँ अहाँकेँ ई पता लागि जाएत जे कोना रामदेव झा आ हुनक दूनू बेटा मने विजय देव झा आ शंकर देव झा गारि बलेँ मैथिलीकेँ बहुत दिन धरि ब्लैकमेलिंग केलकै। संगे-संग हम ईहो कहए चाहब जे ऐ ब्लैकमेलिंगमे रामदेव झा आ हुनक बेटा संगे मोहन भारद्वाज, महेन्द्र मलंगिया, चेतना समीति आ आर किछु साहित्यकार सभ अनवरत सहयोगी रहल छथि। मुदा आब जे विदेह आंन्दोलन भए रहल अछि ताहिसँ घबड़ा कए ई सभ अभद्रता कए रहल अछि। मुदा आब से चलए बला नै छै। तँ पढ़ू हुनक मूल मैसेज----
ReplyDeleteहे रे अशीषवा, गजेन्द्र के पोसुवा, पतचटवा औकात देख क बात कर बालगोविन्द जनामि क ठाड़ भेलौं ने की कहै जे छै नबका जोगी के गांडी में जट्टा
एखने हमर फेसबुक मैसेजमे रामदेव झाक मूर्ख बेटा विजयदेव झाक मैसेज आएल अछि जे हम बिना काँट-छाँटकेँ दए रहल छी। ऐ मैसेजसँ अहाँकेँ ई पता लागि जाएत जे कोना रामदेव झा आ हुनक दूनू बेटा मने विजय देव झा आ शंकर देव झा गारि बलेँ मैथिलीकेँ बहुत दिन धरि ब्लैकमेलिंग केलकै। संगे-संग हम ईहो कहए चाहब जे ऐ ब्लैकमेलिंगमे रामदेव झा आ हुनक बेटा संगे मोहन भारद्वाज, महेन्द्र मलंगिया, चेतना समीति आ आर किछु साहित्यकार सभ अनवरत सहयोगी रहल छथि। मुदा आब जे विदेह आंन्दोलन भए रहल अछि ताहिसँ घबड़ा कए ई सभ अभद्रता कए रहल अछि। मुदा आब से चलए बला नै छै। तँ पढ़ू हुनक मूल मैसेज----
ReplyDeleteहे रे अशीषवा, गजेन्द्र के पोसुवा, पतचटवा औकात देख क बात कर बालगोविन्द जनामि क ठाड़ भेलौं ने की कहै जे छै नबका जोगी के गांडी में जट्टा
VINIT UTPAL http://www.blogger.com/profile/10187277796958778493 LIKHAI CHHATHI
ReplyDeleteक्षमा शोभती उस भुजंग को जिसके पर गरल हो, वह क्या जो दन्तहीन, विषहीन और अत्यंत सरल हो. गाली देब परम्परा अछि. जिनकर जेहन संस्कार, हुनकर मुंह से तहिने बोली. रचनात्मकता में जीवन अनुभव के बड़ रास योगदान होयत अछि. फेर संस्कार ते घर से भेटैत अछि. अशीषवा,पोसुवा, गांडी, जट्टा एहन शब्द अलंकारक प्रयोग करहिक अर्थ अछि जे अखनो लोक में आदिम संस्कार से जुडल अछि. ई सब शब्द साहित्य से दूर भ रहल अछि. ताहि सं विजयदेव झा सहित तमाम मैथिली से जुडल अहिने प्रबुद्ध लोक सें आग्रह जे अहां सब शब्दक संगे आओर एहिने शब्दक प्रयोग क मिथिलाक शब्दकोष के समृद्ध करल जाय. कियाकि तथाकथित ब्राहमणवादी साहित्यकार घर में ते एहन शब्दक प्रयोग करैत छथिन आ अप्पन नेना सभ के सिखाबैत अछि मुदा अप्पन लेखनी में प्रयोग नहि करैत अछि.
SATISH VERMA LIKHAI CHHATHI...Satish Verma Isi Bhagwa Shankardev jha ko maine bahut pahle apne lekh me khub lapeta tha. Darsal Agnipushp sampadit samvad patrika me Gujrat danga aur Narendra modi ke role par meri ek kahani chapi thi,jis par usne badi hi behuda tippani ki thi,jiska jawab maine rachna,darbhanga,vishwanathjee ke patrika ke jariye diya tha.shunt ho gaye the shankardev babu,aukat nap gayi thi unki.
ReplyDeleteSATISH VERMA LIKHAI CHHATHI...Satish Verma Isi Bhagwa Shankardev jha ko maine bahut pahle apne lekh me khub lapeta tha. Darsal Agnipushp sampadit samvad patrika me Gujrat danga aur Narendra modi ke role par meri ek kahani chapi thi,jis par usne badi hi behuda tippani ki thi,jiska jawab maine rachna,darbhanga,vishwanathjee ke patrika ke jariye diya tha.shunt ho gaye the shankardev babu,aukat nap gayi thi unki.
Atuleshwar Jha आखिरमे हमरा लोकनि कोन बाट पर चलि रहल छी , यदि एहि तरहक शब्दक प्रयोग
साहित्यिक लड़ाई मे भए रहल अछि , तखनइ एहन साहित्य सं समाजके कि भेटतैक ।
Vinit Utpal क्षमा शोभती उस भुजंग को जिसके पर गरल हो, वह क्या जो दन्तहीन, विषहीन और
अत्यंत सरल हो.
गाली देब परम्परा अछि. जिनकर जेहन संस्कार, हुनकर मुंह से तहिने बोली.
रचनात्मकता में जीवन अनुभव के बड़ रास योगदान होयत अछि. फेर संस्कार ते घर से
भेटैत अछि. अशीषवा,पोसुवा, गांडी, जट्टा एहन शब्द अलंकारक प्रयोग करहिक अर्थ
अछि जे अखनो लोक में आदिम संस्कार से जुडल अछि. ई सब शब्द साहित्य से दूर भ
रहल अछि. ताहि सं विजयदेव झा सहित तमाम मैथिली से जुडल अहिने प्रबुद्ध लोक सें
आग्रह जे अहां सब शब्दक संगे आओर एहिने शब्दक प्रयोग क मिथिलाक शब्दकोष के
समृद्ध करल जाय. कियाकि तथाकथित ब्राहमणवादी साहित्यकार घर में ते एहन शब्दक
प्रयोग करैत छथिन आ अप्पन नेना सभ के सिखाबैत अछि मुदा अप्पन लेखनी में प्रयोग
नहि करैत अछि.